Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Facebook obessed

Once again I have another pet peeve....

People who post their entire day and sometimes life plans on Facebook for everyone to see. There are literally people out there who post statuses like " Tanning for 20 minutes, working out doing cardio and lifting weights, going to Starbucks, going to class until 415 and then homework allll night" I'm sorry but if I wanted to know what you were doing for the entire day I would probably ask you. I understand it's everyones right to post what they want on their page but it's not when it pops up on my "newsfeed" and I am forced to look at it when I sign in. Not only that, but doesn't that create some sort of security issue? It's not like there aren't enough crazy people in the world who could stalk you, but now, they have it really easy since they can go on your Facebook and see exactly where you are at any point in time. I believe that the lack of security is going to get out of control with all these new technologies that basically give other people the right to invade your technology without the added risk of you voluntarily putting your life on your Facebook. REMEMBER PEOPLE, anyone you are friends with on Facebook can read what you have on there, and most of us don't need to know what Jim from high school who we haven't talked to in 4 years is eating for lunch today.

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